Monday, July 8, 2013

Vlogging Taiwan: July 6th: Marketplace, Skit Practice, and the Mall

July 6th, 2013.

All music tracks are from the Motion Picture Soundtrack "Horton Hears a Who" composed by John Powell.
"Horton Suite"
"Into Whoville/Breakfast with the Mayor"
"The Quest (Retrieved from the composer's 8-track Archives)"
"Jungle of Nool"

God's Funny Like That

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know.....Ask and you shall receive. But whatever, right?

Growing up in a Christian home and having gone to church my entire life, I was already pretty familiar with the notion of "God will give you what you ask for (so long as you are faithful in Him)."

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22

I am fairly certain that I have experienced this phenomena before, but on smaller scales and I did not ever really recognize that the granted wish came from God (much less from anywhere - just happened). If I did, it probably was not me who asked and/or received; it was most likely someone else - someone more "faithful/spiritual" than I.

But today I experienced His generosity. As many of you know, I am abroad right now working at a vacation Bible school in Kaohsiung, Taiwan helping teach English in the camp. As of yesterday (the day before the camp was to start), we did not have enough helpers to help manage all 50 kids that we were expecting to attend. It was a real stress for more than one reason. But anyways, we prayed over it and asked God to send us helpers. And I'll be honest, I was not super faithful. It's not that I didn't think that God could do it, but I just didn't think it would happen. I guess subconsciously I felt like this was just going to be one of those situations that everyone goes through that you just have to muscle through and hope it does not crash and burn. But nonetheless, we prayed. And what do ya know?? We came to the VBS today prepared for the worst and we were met with 3 or 4 wonderful ladies who stayed to help look after the children so that we could lead effectively and make things fun for the kids! This truly was a God thing; it had to have been. We later found out that one lady who helped us was basically a stranger (not in a creepy way; she was probably a mom of one of the kids). But she was a serious life-saver. The fact that she stayed to help without feeling obligated or asked to by us was outstanding. God must have laid it on her heart to help us.

This was a nice reminder that God does look out for His children, even when we may not believe He will pull through. I forget this often, but God doesn't. I think he has fun with us like this. I can laugh about it, too. God's funny like that.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths." Proverbs 3:5 HCSB

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Vlogging Taiwan: July 3-5th: Traveling Part I and Kaohsiung Harbor

After almost 24 hours of traveling, we arrived in Kaohsiung where we will be staying with our grandparents and working at a vacation Bible school helping to teach English in a local church!

Music: "Jerk It Out" by Caesars
"Junebug" by Robert Francis

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Divorce is Becoming Disposable

Today I saw an advertisement for a "Do It Yourself Divorce" agency with the tag line "It's inexpensive!"  To me, this is just sad. For one, this sells divorce like its easy, simple, and disposable. Do It Yourself tags make it sound like it's a recycled, trinkety, project for just for kicks and giggles. That's the last thing divorce should be compared with.

And secondly, this ad compares divorce to the sale rack at Macy's. It labels the destruction of a contract between two people and God with a monetary value. It just breaks my heart that something like Do-It-Yourself divorce makes its business off of the destruction of families and the appeal of a cheaper monetary price. 

I understand that sometimes divorce is necessary, but still. It breaks my heart and it aches for everyone I've ever known (and may not have known) who has had to either go through the process of divorce or be a victim of it. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Shout Out, Shout Out, Shout Out!!! : The New AMC Theater at The Village at Flatirons Crossing

Going to college...Need a Student ID!
Dearest Denver-metro and Boulder area readers,

I write to tell you of a magical place where you can visit new worlds and experience fantastically comfortable accommodations at the same time. No, I am not talking about Narnia, a giant beanbag, a magic carpet ("I can shoooowww you the wooorrrldd..."), or even a combination of the above three. I am talking about the new AMC movie theater at The Village at Flatirons Crossing Mall in Broomfield. 


It's just that good. 

They had some seats on display in the hall.
This theater has it all. Let's begin with the seats - the most fantastic part about this newly renovated cinaplex. These seats are nicer than first-class airplane seats. Each seat in this theater is about 10 inches wider (gu-estimation) than the average movie seat, plus each one comes with its own built in cup holder and padded arm rests - two of them!!! The entire thing is upholstered with what seems to be red vinyl leather. But get this, the best part???? THEY RECLINE!!!!!! These seats are pretty much like sitting in your own personal loveseat, but instead of watching the movie on a your TV screen at home, you're watching it on the big screen, complete with surround sound.

New seats at AMC Flatirons
Aren't those just the most gorgeous things you've ever seen? Why haven't we been lounging in these things for years? I know what you're thinking, (for the sake of humor, please read the following quote in a high pitched whining voice), "Wooowww, I bet those movie tickets cost a fortune because those seats are just so faaaannnnccccyyyyyyyyy!" Girl, I'll be straight with ya, yes, they do cost more, but that's because a.) you're getting nicer amenities and b.) since these seats are bigger, they can't fit as many seats in each room that a standard seating theater can, so they have to make up that lost revenue somehow. But honestly, it's not much; not like the upcharge they have for 3D movies - that's ridiculous. 

The spiffy coke machines

On top of all this, the theater has been outfitted with those coolio Coke Machines that allow you to create just about any flavor of soda you want! You know, the ones they have at Noodles & Company. And, for you readers that are over 21, they have a full bar inside for movie goers who may like to enjoy a beer or a margarita with their movie. Mind blowing, right? Check it. 

And in case you are wondering, we went to see White House Down. This movie just recently came out and I'll level with ya, I honestly thought that this movie was going to be just your typical action movie full of politics and guns. But it surprised me! I found it to be a very well done with good, clean comedy, and the essential emotional element that I feel many straight up action movies lack. This is the very brief synopsis from IMDB: "While on a tour of the White House with his young daughter, a Capitol policeman springs into action to save his child and protect the president from a heavily armed group of paramilitary invaders."
Straight forward enough, right? Well I personally found the movie to be very engaging and different from the typical, let's-shoot-up-the-government-and-blame-it-on-terrorists scenario. In this movie, it focuses on a terrorist attack on the White House which adds to the emotional impact of the story as it is our home soil and an attack on an icon infrastructure in the heart of our nation's capital. It stars Channing Tatum as the main character who has to save not only his daughter, but also the President of the United States (there's your action). And then, sprinkled throughout are little bits of humor and one-liners that I enjoyed (the tour guide is my favorite).
But overall, one thing that I really appreciated about White House Down was that it wasn't your typical terrorist attack movie and it addressed a staple in history that we have come to accept as a norm going forward. What I mean is in the movie, they depicted President Sawyer as an African American man (played by Jamie Foxx). Note that they created a fictional president instead of making him Obama. What I like about this is that it sets a precedence and an acceptance in our country that the president (other than Obama) can be someone who is of a color other than white - this is not a one time thing. Additionally, I appreciated that in the movie, they created also a fictional - yet believable - terrorist group other than Al Qaeda. I just feel like with all that's been going on in our world the past few years, it was nice to live in a fictional, yet exciting scenario without creating more stereotypes around current events. Overall, I give the movie two thumbs up! Hope you enjoy it, too!