Thursday, June 20, 2013

Taking On the Day Before the Day Takes On Me

There is something about the world before the sun comes up. It's peaceful, cool, and sweetly dark. If you happen to catch me awake before the dawn, I am sometimes most awake. It's a world all its own; a world seen by so few that it's almost a secret. Those late night partiers do not witness or better yet, experience, its serene bliss; and those long, heavy sleepers wouldn't dare awake. Even the average Joe doesn't get up and leave his house at this hour.

It's almost a secret, I say. Almost a secret. 

As we cruise down the interstate towards the Denver skyline, it shimmers, yet settles with a different vibe than the luminous night life. It looks content and beautiful. Colors of orange, white, and purple blend together in the city lights, contrasting against the dark morning sky. 

We venture towards a distant destination in these meek hours of the day, and I appreciate the glowing headlights of the few on the road with us. The truckers with their travels of solitude and the early commuters alike. They are the secret holders and the citizens of the pre-dawn realm. A secret world held by them, the insomniacs, early risers, the graveyard shift workers, and the Alpha alike. And every now and then, I find the excuse to join them. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Great Mystery That is Life's Purpose

So today in my church flock (like a small group) which consists of young adults, we were discussing the "the Will of God." We came to the realization that it's not our job to "find the Will of God." His Will is always going to be there; it's not going to go away. If He has a Will for you, He's going to make sure you get there and He's never to leave you hanging. 

People often think that when they're making a decision you have to choose the "right" one, and if you don't choose the right one, you're going to end up not fulfilling your purpose in life or not following the Will of God.

For my generation, right now a lot of us are trying to decide where we want to go to college, or what we want to do with our lives post-high school. It's definitely a stressful process, but people find that they're having a hard time deciding between this school or that school and they're thinking, "If I go here I might miss out on God's Will!" Or, "Maybe I chose wrong! I'm not going to find my purpose in life!"

Whether people admit it or not, each person wants to find the most efficient way - or the most correct way - to get from point A to point B in their life. Detours, especially in American culture, are frowned upon in people's minds and they are not things people really want to have to deal with.

 It used to be that people made a big deal about finding one's "purpose in life." I'm here to say, that there's no need to search for it. 

God's Will has always been there and will always be there; there is no possible way for you to escape God's Will. Take for example Jonah in the Bible, he probably  went the furthest out of his way than anyone else in history, to try and avoid God's purpose for him. I mean, he got eaten by a whale for Pete's sake just so he could avoid going to Nineveh where God had called him!!  But did that stop God's plan for him?? No!! God made it so that he would return to what He had called Jonah to do. And even though the journey did have a lot of road bumps and it was probably very uncomfortable for Jonah, God's Will was for him to go to Nineveh, and eventually, he fulfilled that purpose that God had laid out, despite his efforts not to. 

I'm not saying that God is going to make our lives difficult if we happen to make a "wrong" decision or that it's going to be always painful to get back on track (though it may be). Really, my point is that no matter what you do or what decision you make, if God has a Will and purpose for you, He's going to get you there. 

Now, just as a disclaimer, I want to make it clear that this is not an excuse to do whatever the heck you want and think that God's going to fix it for you. You still have to seek wisdom in Him in order to A.) be happy (Proverbs 3:13) and B.) to easily fulfill his Will. Jonah didn't necessarily choose God's original plan, and obviously, it was a tough road back.

Also, don't think that this means that you have to have some grand, monumental purpose in your life; our societal perception of purpose is that it has to be something physically significant, but that's not true. God's Will is so beyond us, you may never even know what exactly you accomplished until you finally meet Him in Heaven! But that's okay! Take Enoch, for example, from Genesis. Enoch is only mentioned in the Bible truly only two times, once in Genesis where it talks about his genealogy and a second time in Hebrews 11:5 where it says that "By faith, Enoch was taken away so that he did not experience death, and he was not to be found because God took him away." What I am saying is since Enoch isn't mentioned in very many other places of the Bible, he must not have done anything significant enough to be mentioned elsewhere in the Bible! Yet, it was by his faith that he was taken into Heaven without dying. Enoch didn't do anything majorly significant to be pleasing to God. Enoch fulfilled his purpose - living as an example of faith- in his life (which happened to be 365 years long!) and  God was extremely pleased with him.  I doubt Enoch knew what his life's purpose was, but it didn't matter to him so long as he walked with God. 


Today was Father's Day, and for Father's Day we went down to the 16th St. Mall in Denver to see the new Michelangelo and Leonardo DiVinci museum exhibit. It was very interesting, but one thing that struck me was a quote written by Michelangelo, himself. It read as this: 

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."

If we are the blocks of stone, God is our sculptor and the statue is His Will. According to Michelangelo, the block of marble already has the masterpiece within it, it's just his job to remove the excess stone and shape it so that the statue will come through. This is exactly the same as with us. God's Will is there and He will make it happen. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wellness and Love

My dad told me that he read an article on ways to improve your life and one of the things you should do to improve your life is to write everyday. It's good for you to write about your day and organize your thoughts before going to sleep. Probably is good for you on a psychological level or something. The article also specifically mentioned writing on a blog. This is because you should be writing as if you have an audience. It's ok to talk about what ever you would like, but just the point of view and writing style should reflect a conversation or a book or an article to some degree. It's interesting. 

It's been a crazy couple of days and there is a lot to talk about as always, but I would rather not reiterate the events because that can get lengthy and boring. Today I'd like to write about a personal response I had to a Facebook posting. Now don't worry and start rolling your eyes because you think that this post is about discussing a controversial topic. Fear not. It's benign. I don't remember the status word for word but it went along the lines as "a little bit of me is in love with a little bit of you," or something like that. And this struck me a little bit. I realized that I have forgotten what it is like to be head over heels for someone or even just "crushing" on someone. We all know that giddy feeling, butterflies in our stomachs; don't try and deny it. 

I'm not saying that I need it or that I am seeking it or think that I should be seeking it; no, not in the least. But I will say I miss it. I have found more joy and a similar feeling recently when I wake up and read my Bible. It's rare that I feel motivated to spend quality time with God , so it's interesting that I am now almost excited to do so. It's a fantastic thing, really. Sadly, I cannot say that I feel as elated as I do about God as I remember being about a crush. Is that a bad thing? I can see it both ways. 

Fact is, I miss it. I miss that experience a little bit, even though it usually causes more drama than it's worth. But because  I am missing something so worldly, perhaps I should be focusing and finding this feeling in God. It's a tough to imagine and quite honestly, in my physical worldly mind, doesn't sound as good. But I know that's a lie, because God is enough. 

This was basically just a rambling post, but helpful in my "analysis" of the needs of our emotional and spiritual desires and even health. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mother Falcon Performance

I case you didn't know, I recently had the opportunity to compose my own arrangement of a song with a good friend of mine for our last high school concert ever! I won't go in to a lot of details now, but essentially, we wrote a cover for full symphonic orchestra of a song called "Serpent Tongues" by our absolute favorite band, Mother Falcon. It was a great experience! Now, the recordings are finally online for public listening, so please enjoy :).
Check them out here:

My own rendition of Mother Falcon's new album cover for You Knew
Oh! And by the way, I also started a concert blog: