Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Morning

By nature, I am a night owl. There is no possible way for me to even attempt to go to bed any earlier than 11PM, and even then, I crawl into bed and grab my phone because the middle of the night is my designated "YouTube time" where I watch all my vlogs that I subscribe to etc., etc. However, despite my late night shenanigans  I still set my alarm for Saturday mornings at 9AM. Without doing so, I just feel flat out legthargic and unproductive the entire day. Plus, I usually work Saturdays from 2-11PM and if I got up any later than that, I would feel like I didn't have a day at all.

That being said, this morning was like all others. I got up around 9ish and went about the usual routine, however, I found that this morning was so incredibly beautiful and mild that I just had to sit outside and eat my breakfast of Apple Spice bread from Great Harvest Bread Co.

As I sat there outside on my deck, enjoying the slight breeze and springtime sunshine and listening to the newly returned birds chirping away, I was contemplating my feelings and thinking of God sitting on that bench next to me. I am no good at praying, but I like to imagine Him sitting next to me and us just having a casual conversation like friends would. And as I sat there, I told Him that something didn't feel right; I was not completely content even though nothing at that moment could have been better.

And I realized that it was because of the face that nothing at the that moment could have been better that I was strangely discontent. But truly it was because of this that I had left "my first love, Jesus" (as my mother always says) by the wayside. I don't mean to be all "Christianese" and cliche, but it is funny how true that statement is sometimes. If God is enough to fill us up completely and eternally, if you're not content, then He must be missing.

Took this this morning with the lovely sunshine coming through the back door.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Long Time, No See

It's been a while, I know. But hey, I wouldn't blame you if you did not notice I was missing. I even forgot about this little blog here. But hopefully I'll use it more. I don't honestly know what this blog is supposed to be but I think I'll just use it as a random space for anything and everything about my life going forward.

Less than two months until graduation and my life is about to truly begin. What does that even mean? I shall chronicle my days through this blog, whether anyone reads it or not. This will be for me. Like a journal, but online and with out all the super juicy crap that no one wants to hear about and I don't want anyone to know. Don't get me wrong, you're welcome to read, please do! But I apologize for any lack of theme this blog may have or level of consistency, this is just me and my lovely life.

This will be my life in snapshots and idioms.